Pics are awesome. Looks like a fun time had by all.
:love9: :love9: :love9: Peaches and Piper Man.
Pics are awesome. Looks like a fun time had by all.
:love9: :love9: :love9: Peaches and Piper Man.
They may be small, but you should see their hearts. Shelter/Rescue dogs aren't broken. They've simply experienced more life than other dogs. If they were human we would call them wise. They would be the ones with tales to tell and stories to write. The ones dealt a bad hand who responded with courage. Do not pity a shelter/rescue dog. Adopt one. And be proud to have their greatness on your side. Anon (click daily to give free care and food)
Great pictures. Thanks for shaing the story.
Yolanda and the FurCrew.
" .... It takes a village ....."
LOVE the pictures! Way to go Peaches and Piper!
Jill - Proud Hoomom to Bailey and Reese! :hearts:
Check us out on DOGS 101!
Just click DACHSHUND
Member of Coast to Coast Dachshund Rescue
I am sitting here at work with the biggest, silliest grin on my face!!!! Those pics are AWESOME!!!!!
to everyone on the team!!!!!!
(off to watch the video )
Tex, loyal servant to...
WHOA! Fabulous pics of the Dash Hounds! Loved all the pics of the ears in "fly" mode; they are great. Gonna go watch the video later at naptime today. Can't wait!
Congrats on a job well done!!!
Teddy & Kiki
That was awesome! I too love all the flying ears! They really make me smile.
to the Dash Hounds!!!!
Sandi ~ Lola/Red LH ~ Riesling/Cream LH ~ Dooley/Red DD Smooth
Foster mom for CTDR.ORG
Originally Posted by Linus
OK for reals.... I can't stop looking at the pics!!!! They're rad!!!! Pman looks great and (of course) Peaches rocked it!
Karen - Proud Hoomom to Bella "Snooter" Boo & The Professor Buster Brown
Oh, and you and John look great! :-)
Karen - Proud Hoomom to Bella "Snooter" Boo & The Professor Buster Brown