Boy, did we have a tough day, right girls? First mom and dad took us to the vet. We had to sit out in the car until they were ready for us because they CLAIM we bark too much. (Yes, at every last dog, cat and person who comes in)

Then, Mom said at least we wouldn't get a thermometer back there where NOTHING BELONGS!!!!.....but she was wrong. Hurrump. Is nothing sacred?

Then, they clipped our nails, just because mom claims we look like we have bear claws. Mindy had something sprayed up her nose, but we got shots. Now how is that fair? (bordella, because we are leaving Taffy and Mindy with a friend who runs a rescue)

We thought that was the last of the problems for the day, but tonight we got baths. We didn't think we needed a bath, so what's up with that? And this time mom put us in a slippery bathtub. Not even a shower. Insult to injury, that's what that was. (They sooooo needed those baths,lol.)

And we didn't even get an extra treat because one of the techs said some of us are getting fat. NOT TRUE!!!!

We are just abused.