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Thread: Guilt

  1. #1
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    Default Guilt

    Do you ever get a case of the guilts with your furbabies? Like you're not providing them the best care/exercise/food humanly possible? I get like this from time to time, and usuallly drive myself crazy. I thought it would be nice to get a more experience comments about general doxie care. :duh:
    Iris (Jack's Mom, valet and cook)

  2. #2
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    To tell you the truth, no I never felt guilty, because I know I'm providing my furkids with the best care possible and available, and I thank doG everyday in my prayers that I'm able to do this, both financially and physically.
    Mom to Bambi, Jewels, Sammy Boy and Pixie
    Tinha 2/14/91 - 4/25/08 - forever alive in my heart

  3. #3
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    I understand how you feel, because I know my girls would like to be walked more often. However, when I do, either:

    (1) the lady down the street comes out and starts rambling on about whether I'm going to breed them... because of course she's planning to breed her two dogs, blah blah blah, AND/OR
    (2) another idiot neighbor(s) has their dog off leash and it runs across the street and barks at my two, AND/OR
    (3) to avoid all the idiots, I have to walk on streets with heavy traffic/no sidewalks

    So I do feel bad because my dogs get less exercise because of my intolerance for idiots (actually, I don't really want to make small talk with anyone - idiot or otherwise - after work, and my DH doesn't even try ).

    However, my mom is moving down soon and we will be able to walk our dogs in her complex nearby where I believe there are less idiots, and certainly less traffic .
    Kim & the Girls

    With me always, Cassie & Angel

  4. #4
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    Food - no. I spend 3 hours a week making their food. I wish they felt slightly guilty when they consume it in 2.2 seconds without even a thank you But they just nom away.

    Time - yes. I wish I had more time to spend with them, and I wish I better used the time I do have with them to interact with them more than I do.

    Care - no. We put up a pup port for them in the winter, always take them to the vet and do whatever we can to provide the best care for our babies.

    Walks - yes. Pepsi, Pretzie and P'nut LOVE to go for walks and they don't get to go nearly as often as they should. Pogo and Pixel no. Pogo hates going for walks and we have been advised by our vet not to walk Pixel because of his severely bowed legs.

    General Guilt - yes. I have lots of that. I still have guilt about Pogo going down. I have read and read that it is genetic etc. But I still think if I got his weight down earlier and didn't allow him to jump on and off the couch it wouldn't have happened.


  5. #5
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    I feel guilty at times but I know that I am doing the right thing. I DO take care of them I DO Love them and give them the love that they deserve so it makes me happy! now I will admit, right now I am unsure and feel guilty about adopting Odie. Yes He is perfect, he has bonded with everyone but am I doing the right thing? am I being selfish because I want him, that I dont want to give him up? and the love of my life, Rusty has been acting a little different. He wont go under the covers on my lap anymore to nap as Odie beats him too it so theres Brians lap, nope! since Odie goes under, Rusty wont. When Odie walks near Rusty, Rusty walks the other way like hes trying to avoid him. Rusty gets a long with him but can he actually think and feel like hes being replaced or that I wont love him anymore. He sure does act like it! and for that reason, I dont know if I want to adopt him and have Rusty act like that all the time. It makes me sad to see him acting different, I want back the Rusty I know and love.
    Rusty, Odie & Baxter

  6. #6
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    I do feel guilty sometimes. They don't get walked very often because I can't control 2 dogs and a kiddo, but we do spend lots of time in the back yard playing, and tearing around, so I know they're getting exercise. I just wish I could give them more variety.

    They get good food. Pinky has a corn allergy, so I feed them a kibble for sensitive systems. And if I'm cooking up something that's doggy-friendly, I make a little extra for them.

    They get lots of love and attention. Since I'm home during the day, and hubby is home at night, there's usually only a couple of hours per week when they're home alone.

    I do feel constantly guilty about Ziggy. I'm always thinking WHAT IF I didn't go visit my mom with McKenna that weekend. Hubby thought he was being nice by letting Ziggy have the run of the backyard since he would only be gone for an hour or so. We never thought he'd squeeze through the gate :( Now there's a permanent latch on the bottom of the gate too so it can't be pushed open, and if we're gone - even just a quick dash to the store, the dogs go in the dog run, or in the family room.
    :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

    Crafty Mom to McKenna (She's the 2-legged one!)
    Weezer the doxie-mix moose dog
    Pinkerton the piebald doxie
    and missing Ziggy, our first doxie (2/01-4/09)

    I blog!

  7. #7
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    My biggest guilt trip right now is my foster, Cynda. I'd love to get her to my holistic vet to find out exactly what's wrong with her and how to improve her health, but since I'm unemployed, that's just not practical for me to do. I know how depleted the funds are for the rescue group and I know they wouldn't authorize me to take her there. When I get a job, I do plan on doing that for her, but right now, I just don't feel I can spend $200+ minimum on the holistic vet, whom I REALLY think is made of awesome and could probably help Cynda get healthier. So I just leave things alone and cope as best I can, but it sure makes me feel bad when she shakes ALL the time and has so little strength in her back legs!

  8. #8
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    Default guilt

    Since Demi came home I've been feeling guilty alot.
    Guilty that I'm not bonding with her the way I did with Cosco (I know its just been a few days but you know how sometimes things just feel right or they don't?).
    I feel guilty that if I don't do everything in my power (even more than Andrew) to make it works out with her, that he will blame me and say that I am just being selfish.
    I feel guilty that Cosco can't take a nap for being harassed and has to wait twice as long to do anything now that I'm try to get Demi to do things that are new to her (like sitting for her leash) but already old hat to him. Poor Cosco ends up sitting for ages just looking confusedly at me while I try (often in vain) to get Demi to sit too.
    I feel guilty when I walk her because people look at me like I bad dog mother because she's pulling and choking herself, despite my best intentions. I know that I'm doing all I can do with her right now but it makes me feel like its not enough.
    I feel guilty that I have to pick up Cosco and cajole him into bed now because Demi is and that is somehow off-putting to him
    I feel guilty when Cosco gets frustrated and acts out toward her, like today when, after being harassed all day, Cosco was laying in my lap and snap-growl-barked at Demi just for getting on the couch next to me. I've never seen him do something like that before and it really scares me to think what this situation could do to him if it continues.
    I feel guilty that Demi might just be bored out of her little mind with a bunch of couch potatoes like us but then I feel guilty for thinking about not taking her, like she will somehow understand it as a personal slight.
    I feel guilty that I have such and awesome dog and that I really dont think Andrew will be happy and have the bond with Demi that he should if he does decide to keep her.
    Generally I wish I had more money to buy tons of toys and the best food and the time to never let Cosco out of my sight, though I know he is very well taken care of as it is.

    So yea, in other words I've got some guilt right now.

  9. #9
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    I feel bad that they don't go on as many walkies as they should....
    Otherwise--financially wise, food, ramps, clothes, attention, they got it all.
    Mom to Gunner and Petunia.
    Always in out hearts--Sir Cedric Waggles-bassett hound

  10. #10
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    I think guilt goes with the territory of being a parent, whether fur or hooman! I feel guilty that they're not getting out to walk enough since Wendal came.

    I feel guilty that the Js aren't getting enough attention, and that Wendal isn't either.

    I feel guilty that I've been so sick that all I want to do is sleep.

    I feel guilty that Wendal has to sleep on the bed beside the big bed, when he so desperately wants to come up with the Js.

    I feel guilty that I haven't gotten Jules' food sorted out yet and that she's been living on burger and rice for months now.

    I feel guilty that I can't help all the other little faces I see on the rescue lists, and that I can't do very much to help the other dachsies around here that need it. And that I can't shut one mill in particular down, because even if I could, I don't have places for the dogs to go.

    On the other hand, the Js and Wendal are pretty happy, and relatively healthy. I do take some comfort (in an odd kind of way) in knowing that every penny I have extra goes to vetting them when they need it.
    Paula & Buster
    & my s Maxe, Alex, Wendal, Jules & James, Patti, Ferkel and Heidi,

    "The greatest of all mistakes is to do nothing because you can only do a little. Do what you can."

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