Sweet Radley left us today and went to join my Granny.

Today was a beautiful, warm day, Radley's favorite kind. It has been so cold here for the last few weeks, so all the dogs were outside enjoying the sun. Radley sniffed and wandered, then sunbathed like normal.

Around 2:30, my brother told me to go out and check on him because he wasn't moving. He was breathing, but the breaths were very shallow and his heartbeat was very erratic.

I held him in my arms and told him I loved him and that it was okay to go. After an hour and half or so, I called Rena and asked if she would drive Sean and I to the e-vet because I didn't want Radley to struggle any more. He was forcing every breath and I didn't want him to suffer.

As we were driving to the vet, he started moving around as if he was seizing. When we got there, the seizure got worse. The e-vet gave him 2 doses of valium, but he seized right on through it.

He was wrapped in his favorite blanket and went to sleep while I was stroking his back and holding his paw.

I love you Radley. You taught me to enjoy every minute and cherish every day. :hearts: