She looks like a "new" dog already - look at the sparkle in her eyes!!! :hearts::hearts::hearts:
She looks like a "new" dog already - look at the sparkle in her eyes!!! :hearts::hearts::hearts:
Hoomom who was blessed with Jack. RIP Sweet Cynda 6/3/10, loving Lexie 9/13/13 and Jack, 3/22/16.
now why does this not surprise me at all? With love from Andrea? She looks mahvelous!!
Sandi aka Mama S aka keeper of da herd and da Popsicle flavor list AND Nana to Sean, Mykaylyn, Emma, Baylee, Eli, and Bryce and Mama to da brat, da boy and Brooke!
She looks terrific!!!!! I just want to nom that sweet little nose of hers!! :hearts:
Robyne - mom to Bayley & Braydi
"Until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains unawakened"
She is looking awesome!
Sandi ~ Lola/Red LH ~ Riesling/Cream LH ~ Dooley/Red DD Smooth
Foster mom for CTDR.ORG
"Dear Hubby: all I want for Valentine's Day is a trip to Mississippi."
I think Princess Mary may be The One, ladies and gents.
Her Royal Highness, the Duchess of Wagoner 1993-2012.
Happiness is a warm puppy ~ Charles M. Schultz
Named Savannah Jane ~ Rae Wagoner