What a wonderful and happy ending... Thanks to you and hubby for putting in so much effort to find him--he is lucky and so loved.
What a wonderful and happy ending... Thanks to you and hubby for putting in so much effort to find him--he is lucky and so loved.
Mom to Gunner and Petunia.
Always in out hearts--Sir Cedric Waggles-bassett hound
It's just a wonderful wonderful miraculous thing...getting Cooper back...and I think about it every day and smile. I'm so so so so happy for you all.
Amy, Laika, Owen and Salsa
and Segue
How wonderful to have Cooper home safe and sound with you all! Fantastic photos!!!!!!! I just love a happy ending!! :hearts::hearts:
Robyne - mom to Bayley & Braydi
"Until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains unawakened"
:guitar::banana20::banana20::piano::banana20::bana na20::upside::banana20::banana20::couch:It must feel great to have the family together again. Cooper looks great. Your family is absolutely gorgeous. Devon is adorable.What gorgeous eyes and smile!
Great pics!:hearts::hearts::hearts:
I'm SO GLAD that your family is safe and together again!
Tex, loyal servant to...