Hate hate hate hate that opossum.
I THOUGHT that after the last incident (which included me scooping up the "DEAD" opossum with the snow shovel and heaving him over the fence) would have scared even a brainless creature and it would GO AWAY.
But no. Laika got him again last night (third time). We were all out together cuz I go out with them at night and they had their flashing lights on and were coming back into the house when suddenly Laika caught a scent, turned and beelined back into the trees at the rear of the yard and then the screaming and barking started. JEEZUS DOG. Put Owey and Salsa (AKA The GOOD DOGS) in the house then ran back to save Laika. Or save the opossum I guess. She just will not back off. Can't hear me or see me cuz she is sooo focused on killing that opossum. So I grab her (the thing is really fighting back, not that I blame it for that) and carry her in the house, go get the snowshovel and go back to deal with the ugly beast. This time it didn't play dead and I chased it all over smacking the shovel on the ground to scare it. It was biting the shovel and everything... But it is sooooo dumb I had to open the gate for it and escort it out I KNOW they can climb...
Maybe it's a different one cuz the original one was limping after the Laika Attack...this one was not. Pretty big though...about the size of Owen.
Thank doG I don't have neighbors cuz I don't know what they would think of all the screaming. Mine and Laika's. HATE. OPOSSUMS.