Sunday, even though he could barely walk, Dumbledore spent a good bit of the day outside sunning himself in the nice weather. Though he could not join in the outside romping, he barked at the others in excitement. He eat some yogurt treats and felt like eating a few pieces of chicken McNuggets for supper. Early Monday morning, he got up, and decided he was ready to take a final drive by moonlight before crossing Rainbow Bridge.

His condition deteriorated Sunday evening. Monday morning at 2am we woke up to him having very blood diarrehea. We decided that we could not wait until the 10am appointment, and that he needed to be seen now. We did not get to see our oncologist as it was not his shift, but did see one of the ER doctors. Dumbledore progressed to the point of not being able to stand on his back legs, and he was also wheezing. We did a full panel blood work, and his liver values were off the chart high along with very elevated white blood cell count and very low platelet count. We decided to do an x-ray of his stomach area as it would also get the back and atleast his lungs. The x-ray confirmed our suspicions of the blood work, and showed that the lymphoma had progressed to the point of affecting the organs and that was why he was having diarehea and vomiting earlier. The lymphoma was ravaging his liver. As for walking problems, one of his disks was also starting to calcify. He gave us a resigned look, and I know now was the time to go ahead and let him go to sleep. There was nothing else that could be done. It had progressed beyond what higher doses of prednisone could have helped with.

At 5:30am this morning, Dumbledore feel to sleep one last time in my lap. Of course, while we were waiting to get things set up, I was holding him and he pooped one more time on me. He fought hard until the very end. He resigned that it was now his time and stopped fighting. He was gone with just only a little bit of the last injection. The doctor had just barely even pushed the plunger and I felt him go.

Bye bye my little man.