Thought last night was the end of the road... When I checked on her at lunch she was sleeping but went out to potty... When I got home around 5 we went out again and there was (icky warning!) bloody poop soup. Then just blood. Fresh. I freaked slick out.

After cleaning up and scaring DH to death, I realized I had not put her tummy medicine in her pill box this week, so she's been chomping pills with no tummy protector since Sunday :(

We spent a lot of quality time last night and talked about the rainbow bridge and all of the friends she has there waiting to run and play together...

This morning I was awakened to some rustling around in the stroller. She ate about 3/4 of a scrambled egg and some people chicken last night, and I should have gotten up and taken her out when I heard the rustling. Instead I went back to sleep and awoke to a FOUL smell.

FOUL I say! There had been a loose poops a palooza, so we went straight to the bathtub while all bedding went in the washer on HOT....

And she has more Duchie-ness this morning than she's had in several days. I feel awful for forgetting the Tagamet! Bad mommy!!!

But we have made paw prints for Tonya (not very pretty ones, I'm afraid....) and plan to box up the loaner cart and send it back to Yo today... And we will just keep doing what we are doing until we can't do it anymore.

I think a visit to Dr Brian is in order. She has a pretty large internal cysty-feeling thing in her groin and it worries me.

She wouldn't eat the A/D again today, but quite enjoyed most of a scrambled egg.

Sweet old thing....