The only water Miller's ever been in is to wade in the gutter or in Scooter's little pool so about 6 inches is the max. No swimming involved. I figured I would have ended up reeling him in with the extendable leash until he was within grasp and grabbing the hug-a-dox seat belt loop to get him out. This may have also involved me getting wet. With slimy pond water.

There was something out on the golf course quacking/honking but it was dusky and I couldn't see what it was. We mainly have ducks out there. They let them alone until there gets to be too many of them and they start wandering around the neighborhood and then they get rid of them. Between that and the drought 2 years ago, we don't have many ducks left. If there are ducks within reach, Cash is on them. Another reason to keep him on a leash.