Last night I took Lily to the vet to be put to sleep, it was time. The tumor on her left side had more than doubled in size, she had another one behind her right shoulder, and was barely eating. She was a trooper until the end, she kept trying, but would only eat a couple bites of her food. She didn't even eat all the cheeseburger I got her the other day. So, the night before she had Frosty Paws (ice cream made for dogs) which she didn't even finish and lots of spoiling, hugs, etc. The vet was really compassionate about it, even wrapping her in a blanket to take her back to do the injection (I couldn't be with her, it was too hard). Anyway, as they walked out of the exam room, Lily looked at me from the big fluffy blanket with just her head sticking out and gave me a look that said "it's O.K. mom, thank you". That's when I lost it, I loved that spunky little girl, I just wish we had more time together, 3 1/2yrs is was not enough.