Someone is selling a live dog on Ebay! It's strictly against Ebay policy. I just filed a complaint. Please do the same. The number is 162055186977. Right under the number on the right you can click "Report this item".
Someone is selling a live dog on Ebay! It's strictly against Ebay policy. I just filed a complaint. Please do the same. The number is 162055186977. Right under the number on the right you can click "Report this item".
I just checked and Ebay has shut down the listing! Thank goodness! Poor doggie, treated like that. Let's pray that he ultimately goes to a good home.
Dogs on eBay, kittens being used as bait... it's all too much.
Kim & the Girls
With me always, Cassie & Angel
Yes, it is horrible. We can do our small part by staying vigilant and helping them by reporting it. Pray a lot for them as well.
Yes, but as hard it is for us to look at, imagine how many times worse it is for them to live it. Sometimes all we can do is bear witness...
Paula & Buster
& mys Maxe, Alex, Wendal, Jules & James, Patti, Ferkel and Heidi,
"The greatest of all mistakes is to do nothing because you can only do a little. Do what you can."