Quote Originally Posted by Alex's Mom View Post
I know, it's hard not to spoil them, isn't it ? Balls are the big draw around here. I had to stop buying stuffies because while I don't care if they destuff them, I draw the line at eating the stuffing, which Ferk and Bussy seem to like to do They have a couple of the stuffless squeaky weasels, which they like, but they'll play with a ball for quite a while. Keeping in mind that my dogs are all elderly, so playtime is a fairly rare thing except around supper time or any other time they get excited. Heidi and Ferk used to play slow motion tag when I first got them, but not so much any more. Heidi almost never plays with toys, Ferk does a bit, and Bussy is the one who enjoys them the most.
There's no age limit to doggies when it comes to playing. Mine love to destroy the toys I buy, but Flossy is kind of attached to a particular stuffed toy. Lance is a beast that will chew each toys to bits, I'm just glad he has no interest in eating them. It's fun, yep! It's super fun shopping for them. :D