doesn't mean we don't get da bisitors!!! At about 4 this morning Ferk really needed to go out and Heidi decided to go too. We went to the back door and turned on the light and the biggest raccoon I've ever seen was opening up my greenbin, which is about 20 feet from the back door.
I tapped on the window and he looked up, gave me a look, and went back to his b'fast from the bin. They really are clever. However, he wasn't in any hurry to leave, so I opened up the door and he dove over the fence, then peeked around it to see if I was really coming out. Standoff. The girls were very confused by this time and dancing cuz they had to pee and poop. So I opened up the door again and he very casually walked along the fence and disappeared. It was dawn by then so figured he was just having a bedtime snack. good thing it wasn't Buster cuz he would have gone ballistic!! I put their leashes on the girls just in case I had to reel them in in a hurry. Lots of sniffing around, but all good.
Kinda cool if the dogs weren't with me, but scary! He was about 4 times the size of buster.