Hi everyone!! Hope you're all well? I haven't posted in a while but I've come and checked in every once in a while to catch up on things. I wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas or happy holidays whatever it is you celebrate. Mika is doing well, she is strong and healthy and plays from the very second she is awake till she lays down at night. I can't really talk about it now, because I am focused just on his pain and getting him comfy right now but I will say this. Theo needs wheels and I need help to get them for him. :( He's goes down and has always gotten right up. He can barely stand now although he tries, still peeing on his own but he will fall over if I am not near by. Its ok, I always knew since is was a baby there were health issues with him, then his back in 2014 and every year after always a few flare up, he has always gotten up running. Not now. I don't even know where to look for wheels..I would love some advice and advise. PS- He's still my happy boy, wakes up wagging YES woot woot he can still wag and pee and stuff.