Maybe that should have been 3 am ramblings. Last night Cash has to go out at 3 am and was woofing me. I got him off the bed and let him out the doggie door to the side yard. After I did, I thought "I should have taken him out the garage. Its really cold out there and beginning to rain and should have let him out where I could watch him." So I get back in bed to get warm (it was 34 out there and raining and for us that's incredibly cold) and I wait. After about 10 minutes I hear a woof. Dang, he's lost or something. So I get up and get the flashlight and shine it out the doggie door to give him a beacon. He still doesn't come in. I try to get Scooter to go outside so Cash will follow him back in. Scooter sticks his nose out the doggie door and looks at me like "It's freezing out there. I'm not going out" and backs up. Cash woofs again. So I decide I have to go out in the nasty weather and go around to the side yard and see what's up with Cash. I get shoes on, put on a hoodie, then get my wool coat (the one I rarely wear because it's really too heavy for our weather), get the flashlight and go outside. I have to get the key to gate and go see what's happened with Cash. It's 3 am, it's cold and it's starting to rain. I am not a happy camper. I get to the side yard, only to find Cash has gotten turned around and is standing between the A/C unit and the house and doesn't know where to go. There are a bunch of hoses and cables coming from the back of the A/C and he can't go forward. Poor old guy. I get pick him up and carry him inside. Now I'm worried about him having gotten cold and damp out there so I put him on the bed and wrap him in a towel while I take off clothes and hang up the my coat. When I came in to get in bed, I put him up between Jim and I wrapped in a blanket. He went to sleep and slept soundly all night. Little snot! I couldn't go back to sleep and finally got up at 5:30 and drank some nettle tea and then went back and got to sleep and slept til 10. Cash seems to be fine. Me, a little groggy.

In other news, the Texas Tripe people have postponed today's delivery because the weather is bad and are delivering tomorrow. Tomorrow I'm supposed to have people coming to check out the windows and measure them to replace the ones that got broken by the golf balls. So I'm going to have to try to juggle them with leaving to get the dog food. I may have to get Jim to do the windows while I go get the dog food