The saga of Cash getting up in the middle of the night that is. I gave him a bath one night and he got all frisky and did old dog zoomies back and forth across the bedroom. That night he slept clear thru the night without waking me. Hmmm. . . . so I started not letting him sleep as much and getting him up and outside every couple hours over the course of the day and evening. So Sat, Sun and Mon nights he slept clear thru. I was really busy yesterday and I guess he didn't get out enough so he had me up last night at 3:30 and I couldn't get him to settle back down to sleep for about an hour. Thus, today I"m pretty tired.
I had car trouble going to an appt I never made it to this morning and ended up not getting home until after 11 so I stayed home from work today. Even though it's raining, I've been shuttling him in and out all afternoon. He is NOT happy about it and I am NOT popular right now, but if I can get some sleep tonight it will be worth it.for a tired dog tonight.