The rain stopped and it was a successful (if muddy) event. Sadly, I wasn't very well prepared and forgot to take my camera But we had a good time. There was a good turn out, but not very many costumes. But I was able to reconnect with the woman who fostered Cash. We've kept in touch over the years and it was really good to see her again.

Blue was very good. We really didn't know how he'd do, but he was fine as long as he had a lap to sit on (usually Jim's). I was surprised how calm he was. He did watch the kids if they were in the area, but didn't seem to get upset about them. We did set up our chairs off in a spot where there wasn't a lot of traffic just because we didn't know how he'd do.

Darby was maximum Darby

It was a good afternoon despite the rain and mud which made me really glad I have smooth coat dogs.