Let's start by saying that I'm not the best at potty training. My dogs are pretty well trained at best. Blue has had potty outside issues since I got him and Darby seems to have regressed lately so potty on the floor happens WAY too often here. Lately, I've been trying to work with them and watch them so that we have less pee and poo in the house. Blue is doing really well and gets that he'll get a treat of peeing/pooing outside pretty well. He just doesn't seem to get that you aren't supposed to pee/poo inside. I'm not sure what is going on with Darby. He's starting to get pee/poo outside and get a treat but he seems a bit vague on the notion.
So today I was upstairs in my sewing room, Jim was out in the garage. The dogs had been up and down a bit checking on us. I went to go downstairs and found poo. On the stairs. Not just one pile, but 2 on 2 different stairs. How did they even do that??? Darby told me they were hurrying to get outside to poo, but I'm not buying that. . .