Can You Teach An Old Dog New Tricks?
We're in the process of buying a home out of state ...we're in love with the school district and house itself (it's back "home" for me) BUT this house has no back door (2 doors out of the garage one to the back 1 to the side). Clay is 16 will probably hate the snow and cold (she's 16 now and has been in Texas all of her life). I'm thinking of trying to get her to use potty pads (last time she was a pup and chewed them up and they were all over the house even in the "tray"). Anyone try to retrain a dog at an old age?
We're to close on the house the end of January (but not sure if moving summer of 2019 or summer of 2020).
"It doesn't matter where you go in life, it's the doxies you have beside you!"
Nicole, Mom of the Doxie Duo