Quote Originally Posted by Alex's Mom View Post
is she straining to poop at all, Rae? But nothing's happening? If yes, that's a classic sign of bloat and a medical emergency. Glad you're going to get her in. Please check in after he's taken look at her, ok? Poor little girl, and poor mom. Sending TONS of and . holding you both close right now.

Paula he said he thinks she was just holding herself funny. It was dark when she was pooping and I didn't think to check for evidence. By this morning she was looking like her normal self again.

HOW DO PEOPLE HAVE CHILDREN? I cannot imagine loving another being the way I love this little girl, and the Duchess before her. I have a friend whose son and his wife lost an infant. I cannot imagine the agony they have been through, and it never goes away. My mom says that women, especially, who don't have children transfer all that love to dogs and cats (and horses)... And I have never really known my mama to be wrong.

Thanks for all the love and magical DLC Rayz.