Hi there --- anyone know of a baby or young doxie in need of a new home in the New England area?
Hi there --- anyone know of a baby or young doxie in need of a new home in the New England area?
are you looking for a rescue....their are SO many that need homes.....
You can try your local pounds. We got our dachshund from a training facility that also takes in unwanted animals. He was estimated at age of 1, already potty trained..so you might want to consider that too. Their are SO many unwanted dogs needing homes, especially now and within a few weeks after x-mas when they are no longer wanted.
If you are looking for a real puppy, please research reputable breeders--I could give you some if you like.
Feel free to ask any questions! Welcome btw!
Last edited by Loren; 12-10-2005 at 09:39 AM.
I would try a rescue. Those animals are usualy so loving. Sometimes a have small issues but nothing that can't be worked with. Petunia is a little rescue.
Mom to Gunner and Petunia.
Always in out hearts--Sir Cedric Waggles-bassett hound
Thank you for focusing on rescue. Please start with the links that Loren has provided. As well I know Golfer_Girl is from the New England area, hopefully she will have some input for you.
Depending on the dog, you may not have to limit your search to your immediate area - I know Janet (tiggermiss) got her little Sophie from Louisiana (I think) and we live in Canada!
There are so many amazing Doxie's out there looking for a great family, it will take some time - but I know you will find a wonderful addition to your family.
And yes, even if you're looking for a puppy, they can be found via rescue. Courtney's Po came from rescue, as did Tanya's Piper!
Tasha was only 2 when we got her via rescue and she's 100% potty trained!!
While I didn't get Heidi from a rescue group, I did "rescue" her from a shelter (at least I consider that rescuing). It is the most REWARDING feeling to know that you are giving a dog a new lease on life with a new home. Yes, some rescues have minor issues, but if you have the time and patience, you will get through them!! I've had Heidi for 2 years and while we still have some minor issues, I cannot remember what life was like before her!!!
:welcome2: to the DLC!!! So glad you found us, and feel free to post anytime...questions, concerns, news stories (and even the strange and unusual)...Good luck with your dachsie search!!!
Becca and always in my heartHeidi and
I got Petunia from Indiana and we live in Az.
Mom to Gunner and Petunia.
Always in out hearts--Sir Cedric Waggles-bassett hound
I live in New England. Remy is the first dog that I have ever had, so I hope this doesnt sound bad, but I didnt want to adopt or go to a rescue because I wanted a fresh dog that was all mine (I know, as I am writing it I know it was selfish :whacknow that after being with Remy, I would totally go the rescue route when it is time to add a friend. Ok back to the original reason i responded. I did not have a ny luck finding a breeder in massachusetts, so I ended up getting Remy from a breeder in Houston Texas.
Rob, Remy, & Jerry
Gunner was only 7 weeks old when I got him, but at the time I didn't know about rescues so when we got ready to add on I went with rescue and we got pretty Petunia.
Here they are..
Last edited by LUVMYGUNNER; 12-10-2005 at 11:57 PM.
Mom to Gunner and Petunia.
Always in out hearts--Sir Cedric Waggles-bassett hound