Will you post the pic? I would love to see it :sausage:
Will you post the pic? I would love to see it :sausage:
They may be small, but you should see their hearts. Shelter/Rescue dogs aren't broken. They've simply experienced more life than other dogs. If they were human we would call them wise. They would be the ones with tales to tell and stories to write. The ones dealt a bad hand who responded with courage. Do not pity a shelter/rescue dog. Adopt one. And be proud to have their greatness on your side. Anon
http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com (click daily to give free care and food)
I'll get a picture this weekend and post it.....maybe I'll be feeling crazy and just go get mine this weekend too.
I love the logo! :hearts: I know what you mean about the "how much" question. Every time I work in DROH's booth at a show I go over that a million times. And the unattended (or under-attended) children are a problem, too. I took Cash with me one year and he was great. He kept the children occupied and he's so sweet I never had to worry.
The other people that I dread are the ones that want to tell you about this adorable DD that they are getting from this breeder who specializes in DD!!!! These are usually the ones that I walk away from and let someone else handle. Too much of a stretch for my diplomacy.
I hope you made lots of money and lots of contacts at the fair!![]()
I saw a sign once about unattended children. It read something like all unattended children will be given an expresso and a free puppy. That is pretty funny and may even get the point across. Susie
Save the earth. It's the only planet with dachshunds...
Susie:duh: , Samand Issy
Oh I hear ya....my friend who does rescue with me Katie, rescued a DD and everyone always goes into how beautiful he is ....she starts with the " He's blind, deaf, grade 4 heart condition etc.
I must have heard 20 x how unique and beautiful Cami's color was.... What do you call her color? ...."I call it a genetic mess!!! She's a combo of diluted red and diluted Chocolate (isabella)...and will probably go bald by the time she's 3 yrs....but, she'll still be beautiful to me :hearts: :hearts: Grrrr
Stick to B/T and Red!!!
Hi everyone! I'm Katie, Cat's rescue partner, and here's my tattoo. This is right after I got it done, so my wrist is really red and swollen...sorry!Originally Posted by Patt
I'll get some photos of my two rescues up soon. Blue is a 9 year old black and tan double dapple who was born deaf, with subluxated pupils and now has a grade 4 heart murmur. He's also missing all but two of his teeth from neglect and has a broken jaw that was never set by his former owner, so he has the most adorable snaggle tooth.
Nellie is a 5.5 year old red brindle rescued from a puppy mill in Nevada, where she had 4 litters in the first 2.5 years of her life. She's come a long way since we adopted her and now isn't nearly as afraid of absolutely everything.
Love your tat. Good choice.:welcome2: : Susie, Sam and Issy:
Last edited by samandissy; 05-09-2006 at 01:25 AM.
Save the earth. It's the only planet with dachshunds...
Susie:duh: , Samand Issy
Hey ....it's katie!!!! This will be my tattoo in B/T in 2 weeks :banana: :banana: I need to start a tattoo post....everyone say Hi to Katie :welcome7: :welcome11 :Welcome3: :welcome4: :hello: :weee:
The 2 of us make one hell of a team...