I agree with Paula, I know its really soon, but could your mom at least take her for awhile, and then maybe introduce her more slowly to your crew? that it will all come out all right!
I agree with Paula, I know its really soon, but could your mom at least take her for awhile, and then maybe introduce her more slowly to your crew? that it will all come out all right!
So last night I ended up keeping Dud in his muzzle and Boomer was fine with only a few nips at her. Mitzi decided the new toy wasn't new any more and was good to go. So I crated Boomer (like always) and Dudley for bed in my room thinking all of us girls would share the big bed. Well Ruby was not happy because she wanted in her crate that Dudley was currently using. So back downstairs I go to get Ruby's other crate to set her up for the night. Dudley was not a happy camper but we made it through the night! :cheer2:
She slept all night right by my side (yes now I have another sideways bed sleeper) and Mitzi was great.
This morning I let Mitzi, Boomer and her outside all at the same time and she wanted to play with Boomer and he ignored her. Then I let Dudley and Ruby out and Dudley did the same as he did last night to her, the growl, bark, lunge while she was in her crate. So tonight after work it'll be back in the muzzle for him and tied to a door near me so she can come and go as she pleases and not have to worry about him getting her.
Mom and I went walking this am and took her with us. She is just way to cute for her own good and loves to try to chase birds. She also likes to walk me with the leash in her mouth while shaking and playing with it. She is a total puppy. I soooooo :hearts: her already. Her lid is a little swollen and I've got eye drops for her now but she's fine thank goodness.
I think things will go better tonight and that Dud will come around. I really don't understand why he's being like this with her though. I know it takes him a while to warm up to the fosters but he's never been this aggressive and not for this long.
I really want to walk them together because I think that will help but I'll have to wait until Monday because my mom is going to be busy in St. Louis this weekend.
If he keeps this up it will end my fostering days.
~Shonda, Jackson, Daphne (Mitzi Moo, Dudley, Lily Bug, Buddy and Charlie see you my sweet pups on the Rainbow Bridge)
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Oh no. You do such a great job Shonda. I hate that things aren't going well. Maybe given a little more time, Dud will warm up to her. Here are some :pray: and and big to get all of you through this. She sounds like an :angel7: just wanting to play and fit in.
Hoomom to Cricket ~ Red Smooth 'tweenie'
I hope things are going atleast a little better now.....sending lots of :pray: your way. Hang in there!
Tex, loyal servant to...
Maybe Dud is having trouble reading her body language, since her body is covered in all that hair. Her facial expressions are kind of hidden to him, and all he can see is these big black eyes in a field of white, and he just can't figure it out.
Hope everything gets worked out ASAP!