Duchie has a new trick, such as it is. She has not always been allowed in the bedroom on her own little feet due to (ahem) certain potty indiscretions in times past. I have rearrnaged our bedroom and the recliner now sits in plain view of her domain the kitchen. She now peers around the corner (Dr Livingston, I presume?) and waits for permission to come into the bedroom. There is a hall between the rooms of course, and here is where it gets interesting,.
the kitchen is hardwood floors and the hall and bedroom are carpet. She has a hard time getting her courage mustered up to come into the bedroom anyway since it used to be off limits, so she runs as fast as her little legs will carry her to get in there. She has a really hard time getting any traction on the wood so she usually wipes out upon takeoff then zoomies into the bedroom like a rocket.
She then turns all "carpet gator" when she finally gets into the bedroom... as low to the floor as possible.... until mommy scoops her up and lavishes the kisses on.
too funny.... wish you guys could see.
I am so glad she is feeling so much better. Glucosamine and chondroitin ROCK.