I came home today, and as usual Charlie was jumping all around. I was standing still for a minute, and then went to move my leg. I accidentally ran into Charlie mid-jump. He must have fell funny, because the second he lands he starts screeching, "AARF! AARF! AARF!" I've never heard a dog make a noise like that!!
I was scared to death. BF ran over and started shouting at me, asking what happened, and I can't answer because I'm freaking out over Charlie. I don't know what to do, because Charlie's backing away from us and I don't want him to try to run away if I go to him.
Then, as soon as it started, it was over. He ran over to me and started licking me hello. I felt all his legs and poked and squeezed and nothing seems to hurt him. I'll keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't start limping, but like Po, he probably just jammed it for a few seconds. Man, he scared me so much!! But I'm happy he's okay. :relieved: