Yum, my favorites!! Sounds like the Professor likes it too. :rofl:Originally Posted by Karen
Yum, my favorites!! Sounds like the Professor likes it too. :rofl:Originally Posted by Karen
They may be small, but you should see their hearts. Shelter/Rescue dogs aren't broken. They've simply experienced more life than other dogs. If they were human we would call them wise. They would be the ones with tales to tell and stories to write. The ones dealt a bad hand who responded with courage. Do not pity a shelter/rescue dog. Adopt one. And be proud to have their greatness on your side. Anon
http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com (click daily to give free care and food)
I'm happy to announce that the ice chest is still on the dining room table, but the Professor no longer sees it as a threat. :banana: We had a nice quiet evening as a result! :boogie:
Karen - Proud Hoomom to Bella "Snooter" Boo & The Professor Buster Brown
The Professor can spot trouble a mile away! He'll protect you mutter! :rofl:
Kelli (Hoomom to Bella & Cooper)
I vote to give Herr Professor da steak AND da lobster! Such a smart and dedicated teacher!
Sandi aka Mama S aka keeper of da herd and da Popsicle flavor list AND Nana to Sean, Mykaylyn, Emma, Baylee, Eli, and Bryce and Mama to da brat, da boy and Brooke!