Hi Eberybody, dis Alex...

My auntie Mary and Uncle Al came to visit us dis weekend and we ended up for some reason getting in my mom's car and driving and driving and driving. We brought my cousin Megan (she belongs to anodder one of my mom's sibs) wit us (I sat on her lap da whole way since she was sittin in MY seat...da noive!!!) and went to a place called Mahone Bay so dat my auntie could go to a special store dere called "Suttles and Seawinds" ...my mom gots some closes dere too so I guess it was ok. Nuttin for me dough, so I wasn't very impressed...

Anyways, my cousin Meg took a pic of me and my mom by da harbour

Den we droveded some more and den stopped so dat da humans could eat. Me too cuz my mom always remembers me! :hearts: And some nice men cameded up and said I was BEE-YOO-TI-FUL and patted me. I let dem cuz dey said nice tings about me. :hearts:

Dis is my auntie Mary...I let her hold onto my leash cuz I kinda likes her...

Den we drove SOME MORE *sigh* (Meg's lap is kinda bony...) and den stopped at a little beach called Chocolate Lake. My mom had to carry me up and down da hill dough, cuz my stupid heart wasn't liking all dis exercise :mad: Den I couldn't believe my eyes...

cuz my cousin Meg wanted to go swimming...in Nova Scotia...and it's darned near November

An den I had a good sniff in da leaves (Mom says I kinda blend in )

And den we went home...it was a VERY good day!!!!! But I is SO tired :sleep: